Anonymous Story
This story is from a source that would prefer to remain anonymous:
I was in HF for a while. The community at that time was a really nice group of people. This community was what made me want to become staff after my period of inactivity in Jan of 2020. When I became staff, the leaders were Tistle and Moon.
Their leadership started off as a really great thing, but slowly after the retirement of Moon, things started going downhill. Tistle started losing care towards HF and started blaming the staff for many things that he should have also been at fault for. Soon after, he started promoting staff members that weren't ready for their promotion. This created a divide in the way things were done. Just before this, Tistle introduced a new rule prohibiting staff from using swear words. This was a great rule at the time due to many conflicts within the staff team.
I did hit a point in my staff time when I had to have a real life and focus on my exams as I was and still am in my final year of schooling. I had given a reason for inactivity, however I was still around to help host events when needed. But of course this was not enough for Tistle as he loved to blame the other staff for everything despite the fact that he was the root cause and a bigger problem than most of the people he blamed.
The following is a full conversation in front of Helpers about my hosting "inactivity" that should not have occurred:
After many months of being made fun of by Tistle, another member of staff started to blame me for everything unfavorable that happened. It could be the smallest mistake, yet they would cause it to become the biggest one. I was always blamed for no reason without it being warranted or even given a reason as to why I was blamed.
Along with the few moderators blaming me, Tistle decided to join in on blaming me for things I did not do. At times, like the screenshot you will see next, I wasn't even in chat and was fast asleep when this happened. My name being brought up was completely irrelevant and was solely for the purpose of others' entertainment at the cost of my reputation.
Here are some more examples of this type of behavior:
Despite what Tistle said in the screenshot above, during my segments I always made sure to get people involved in chatting. There was another point later on when I came into chat to say hi to someone, but was greeted with a DM telling me to stop hating another moderator and disturbing their segments.
This visibly made HF Members start to distance away from me which led me to host fewer segments. If I did happen to host a segment, I would get 2 or 3 members at max to attend. However, if another staff member did the same segment at the same time, they would get 5 or 6 people to attend. At first, it felt like this staff member did it unknowingly, but eventually it became obvious that they knew they were saying it and didn’t really care about what happened.
To sum it all up, I haven't been through as much as the other 3 have within this server. Being staff made us constricted and the leaders we had just kept reducing the size of the bubble we were in. Sure, it was intended to make less drama unfold amongst the staff, but it had the opposite effect and drama increased within staff. My main reason for leaving was because I got tired of waiting for our new leader to fix things like he said he would. Staff eventually became a war between the Teens and the Adults which could also be seen as Fun vs Serious. Ask our current leader, he too will agree it is like that. I left so that HF could learn to not make the same mistakes and grow from this point on. My intent in writing is to help HF, not hurt it.
Click on each link to read more:
Introduction | Kendall's Story | Lafille's Story | Dawn's Story | Anon's Story | Conclusion
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