Dawn's Story
This is the story of Dawn's experience as Help Force Staff:
(Some screenshots included in this story have been altered to allow other staff to remain anonymous.)
I’ve been in the Help Force since around June 4, 2020. I joined because I loved the community and I still do. As a helper I became close friends with some staff and some helpers. I mainly joined because I was friends with Moon and she helped me leave my other army. I joined blindly with only Jayden, Komal, and Moon as my close friends. I worked for staff after going through a period of inactivity. Once school started again I became more active with needing something to do when I finish my school work so I applied for staff. I joined the staff team officially on September 21, 2020. My main reason for applying was I was best friends with staff more than helpers. I was told to apply and join staff and see how it’d go and I did. I was on good terms with all the staff at first then it became a huge mess.
I became staff and quickly adjusted to my new duties. Host segments, help with events, talk in chat, and always follow rules no matter how ridiculous it is. Speaking of the rules many of the rules in place shouldn’t be. For example the swearing rule. It was added due to “staff drama” back when Komal and Dlark were leaving HF. There’s also a capital letters rule. We weren’t allowed to use capital letters unless it was hype, but no one listened to that rule. One of the only rules we followed was the swearing rule which was insane. We couldn’t even react with a middle finger. The screen shot I’m going to show is from when me and Kendall were talking in chat and she reacted to a middle finger to my message. We’re not allowed to even swear in staff chats, yet we have Tistle, an advisor, swearing non-stop.
With this many of us became annoyed with the fact that we couldn’t swear, make jokes, or even react with a middle finger.
Though my time in HF was short one big thing I picked up on was Barnito trusted the Helpers. You may think that’s a good thing, but when you’re letting Helpers decide who gets demoted that’s where it becomes messed up. I was threatened with demotion for small things. I always joked around and once someone turned it against me so it’d blow up in my face. Barn decided to demote me and lie to me about why. He left everything vague and never gave a genuine reason. The reasons were small, and something you’d just warn about. In the first screenshot it shows barn and the “reasons” for my demotion. He was saying I couldn’t get another chance due to me messing around too much. The second screenshot show’s him saying it isn’t about a helper though it comes out it is. Later it comes out that after most of the people named actually enjoyed me as a staff member. His justification wasn’t right and I continued arguing into the third screenshot until I got told I can get a week break and come back. This would lead to me retiring from armies.
In the screenshot I’m going to show I’m showing a helper that said that other helpers didn’t speak up for themselves around me. I know for a fact that isn’t true.
I spoke to one of the people that was mentioned and they said:
After this happened I came back and wasn’t on as much. I was adjusted to not being on much which happens a lot when you come back from a break.
Now, getting into the reasons why I left is a truck load. One of the major things is I wasn’t trusted and I was constantly lied to. During the night where I was about to get demoted I was told:
Which was a huge lie, because if it wasn’t about this specific helper why would you continue on with saying:
Trusting your staff is one thing, lying is another. A thing I’ve never tolerated is being lied to constantly and that’s all that ever happened to me. I don’t say my side of the story as a fuck you in anyone’s face. If anything we’re all in the wrong. I’ll admit this is the worst possible way I could’ve ever thought of to leave the armies community and even the army I put so much faith and trust in. The second reason I left aside from the leadership is the fellow staff. My other staff friends from real to fake they all had their downfalls. One staff member in particular constantly messed with one of my closest friends. They constantly made him feel like shit and always feel worse. Even after being told to stop they didn’t. Barn says he sees everything. If he really did then why is there a staff member that harasses a fellow and is destroying our maxes? Why am I getting demoted over something small and not the person destroying the community we’re trying to rebuild. Another big reason why I leave is Helpers slowly turning against me due to lies. With this comes the end of my side. We’re all in the wrong in a sense, some worse than others. I direct my story towards everyone whether you’re a helper that’s done me dirty or a staff that I genuinely enjoyed. Barn said before he never gives up on people and now we see how true that was.
Click on each link to read more:
Introduction | Kendall's Story | Lafille's Story | Dawn's Story | Anon's Story | Conclusion
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